On July 30 and July 31, 2022 several TLARC members will be activating POTA locations during the TNPOTA annual event. We will use the club call KN4DUA.

  • Operating Modes: include SSBCW, and Digital ( RTTY and PSK-31), NO FT-8 since the exchange format cannot be accommodated by FT-8 at this time
  • Operating Periods: each day from 1400Z (10:00 am EST) until 2200Z (6:00 pm EST)
  • Operating Positions: Two transmitters simultaneously working at the same time on different bands and modes (think field day style)
  • Planned Ops: AC6ZM (Juan), KV4XY (Sam), WW4WTF (Rob),  (WK9M (Randy), KK6OKU (Mike)

Parks within the state typically open and close from Dawn to Dusk. This will give the team plenty of time to setup before the event, and tear down before the park closes. This event is for all Radio Amateurs, regardless of Tennessee residency. If you reside in Tennessee, you can activate from a park, or operate from home. If you’re outside the state or a DX station, you can participate as well! We also even have a category for Technician Class operators!

All members of TLARC are invited to stop by one of the activation locations. The activation points will be announced by a separate group email on Friday July 29, 2022 as we finalize or plans and site configuration.

For those wanting to work us, you can find us through one of the following online mechanisms:

73 de AC6ZM
