Status of CQ Magazine
12/22/2023 ARRL® has heard from many members concerned about their print subscriptions to CQ magazine. CQ magazine is not an ARRL publication, however ARRL members enjoy the ability to pursue earning the CQ Worked…
VOTA: Badges on the Air
12/23/2023 Join all of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®’s volunteers on December 31, 2023, from 0000 – 2359 UTC, for the last day of the yearlong Volunteers On the…
ARRL’s Year of the Volunteers Success
12/27/2023 2023 has been a remarkable year for amateur radio. There were many noteworthy opportunities for hams to use their license privileges for the greater good. An annular solar eclipse saw radio…
Two Symbol Rate Questions Removed from General Question Pool
Thanks to the FCC eliminating the symbol rate limitations, in favor of a bandwidth limit, two of the General Class license questions are now incorrect and were eliminated from the…
FCC to Vote on Removing Symbol Rate Restrictions
FCC set to vote on removing the symbol rate restrictions that impedes digital modes, especially on HF, and stifles innovations for new and improved modes.
Comment Deadlines Set on Proposed 60 Meter Band Changes
A public period is open until October 30, 2023 for radio amateurs to comment on proposed changes to the 60 Meter band. ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is…
Solar Eclipse QSO Party Seeks Amateurs and Radio Enthusiasts for Global Experiment
09/29/2023 ARRL is proud to partner with HamSCI to help promote participation in the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP). SEQPs are a series of global experiments — and you can…
Anna Gomez Confirmed to Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
09/22/2023 The US Senate confirmed Anna Gomez as the fifth commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission on September 7, 2023. Gomez thanked President Biden for the nomination and the Senate for…
Amateurs Asked to refrain from using 7.088MHz during Hawaii Disaster Operations
Amateur radio operators are being asked to refrain from using 7.088MHz as this is being used in the State of Hawaii for Disaster Operations. The current situation is still in…