The Tellico Lake Amateur Radio Club (TLARC) was founded in December 2015 by Allan Tarbell (K1AT). The club promotes amateur radio activities throughout the areas of Loudon, Blount, Monroe, and Knox counties. A core group of club members participate in the Loudon County [Tennessee] Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) to support local races, community events, and the Loudon County EC and Emergency Management Agency as requested with amateur radio communications.
TLARC General Meeting on 3rd Wednesday of each month:
The TLARC membership currently meets “in-person” at the Tellico Village Fire Department. Alternatively, upon choice of the club, meetings may be held at local venues and restaurants. If health conditions necessitate, meetings are held virtually using Zoom videoconferencing. Regardless, all meetings fall on the third Wednesday of each month, per the schedule at the top of our home page.
TLARC Activities:
Our membership enjoys pursuing myriad ham-related activities: radio contesting, QRP operation, homebrewing & kit building, operating from portable gear outside in Tennessee’s beautiful parks & forests, antenna design and experimentation, ‘boatanchor’ radio restoration, community and emergency service, fox hunting, and more! We’ll be soon posting a useful ‘matrix’ relating members to specific interests & skills to help you plug into any activity you wish … or even be a focal point for a new one!
TLARC Club Repeater: WB4BIC
Our 70cm repeater (442.100 MHz, PL: 100 Hz, +5 kHz offset) is located at EM75uq right in the heart of Tellico Village. TLARC Articles of Incorporation [PDF]
(Updated – 19 Aug 2020)
(Updated – 15 Feb 2023)
Information & How to Join: Membership Application
Contact: Bob Antion – ND4P, TLARC Secretary – bobantion21@gmail.com
Annual Dues:
TLARC dues are $20 per year, payable on January 1. Make checks payable to TLARC and send to:
John Kiley KB4TV, TLARC Treasurer
281 South Wingate Drive
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771-8192