The Net Schedule for 2025 is being established for NCSs and net loggers. Please contact George N2APB (n2apb at if you wish to be a part of the team that runs the net each Wednesday evening!
Everyone is welcome weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7pm local on the TLARC repeater: 442.100 MHz, +5 MHz offset, P/L tone 100 Hz. You don’t need to be a member of TLARC to join in! Our net is “controlled”, which means it’s directed by a single person (the Net Control Station) and when you are asked to check in just announce your callsign twice (once phonetically) and your location. You’ll be acknowledged by the NCS. Later on during the net we’ll have some discussion of interest for the group and generally end around 7:30pm. Overall, the TLARC Weekly Net is a great place to participate in and learn about directed net protocol and to hear some news from Loudon and Monroe counties and surrounding towns. If you have any questions or if you’d like to participate in helping us run the Weekly Net, please let me know and we can fill you in on all the details (they are easy!).
Suggested NCS SCRIPT … (download here)
Link for NET LOGGING … (go there) [NOTE: Form certificate has expired. Click “Accept” in browser Advanced button to continue to form.]