District 5 (East TN) SKYWARN:
146.940 (118.8) Sevierville (WB4GBI)
As weather dictates

146.625 (118.8) Top of the World/Blount Co (WB4GBI)
146.850 (118.8) Sevierville (WB4GBI)
147.360 (No tone) Lafollette (KA4OAK)

Below is an (outdated) list of the different districts and Coordinators.

D4 is now Bart Mayo since Bill went SK. D7 has also changed from Erik to Justin, KE4PCX. We’re fixing to send out an updated map soon.

Thank you,

Greg Williams K4HSM
(gregk4hsm at gmail.com)

PS: See the List of Nets in East TN posted below the map.

I have a spreadsheet of nets in the area that I’ve been able to hear from my QTH, and I’ve exported to a PDF to share, not all of these I’ve been able to confirm/check into, but may help you (and others) to get more active on area nets …