Our EFHW Workshop went pretty well on April 13th! We all got our toroid transformers wound and the plastic enclosures successfully drilled before time ran out. See the attached photos.
We had planned to get back together again on May 11th to finish things up (and to start the next project) … but schedules from up on top (XYL) have gotten in the way and the proposed date is now Sunday afternoon of May 26th at the QTH of David Andrews N1ESK. He lives by the Yacht Club in the center of Tellico Village and has volunteered to host us this time. Please see if your schedule will allow you to stop in from 2-4pm that day with us. We have the solder lugs (thanks to W8CNY!), high-voltage capacitors, and enclosure labels that will finish things off for most.
The NEXT PROJECT is shaping up real nice and we’ll be starting this one on that same day. It’s the LIGHTNING DETECTOR, with a couple extra features that go even beyond what I initially described back in February! (e.g., your mobile device will be remotely notified of lightning detection results.) Should be pretty cool if my experimentation continues to go well.
So let us know of your availability on May 26th.
George N2APB
Bill Schultz, KQ4CDC, Sam Howard, KW4TN, Richard Shamblin, AE4RS, Tim Montgomery, N4TLM, Bob Antion, ND4P, Richard Meyer, W8CNY, Mike Boyle, KO4KYC
Ashley Fletcher, KQ4CEK, John Johnson, KN4BXA, Bill James, KQ4NNU, David Andrews, N1ESK, Dwayne Love, N5XUL