Chuck Ferguson – N4CSF via Wed, Mar 8, 10:46 AM (21 hours ago)

Good morning, everyone!!

Please remember 1 week from tonight is our TLARC Chili Fellowship, to be followed by the March Regular Meeting, at the Chota Recreation Center (Conference Rm D) in Tellico Village.  We’d like this to be a relaxed social time for all members/spouses/friends, and the festivities begin at 6:00PM EDT.

To date, four of our members have stepped up to offer their culinary efforts for your enjoyment — 3 pots of chili and 2 desserts.  This is a good start, but we’d love for more of you to join in by sharing some chili, cornbread, chopped onions, chips, desserts, drinks, or anything else you’d like to bring.  Ben KN4VIF is providing the necessary plates/bowls, utensils, napkins, etc, from TLARC’s “supply cabinet”.

Please e-mail or call me if you wish to contribute to the menu fun, and let me know what you’d like to bring.  I’ll get the word out if we have enough of a particular item, so we don’t wind up with too much of one item.

Thanks in advance for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night, March 15!!


Chuck N4CSF
